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10 Stories Found⇓ eBook

  • The Pit of Pleasure 4Iona Hoyle

    MF+/fm+; majick; creature; trap; bond; rope; captive; dungeon; bdsm; whip; torment; tease; mythical; fantasy; clamps; toys; insert; oral; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X

  • 3

    MF+/fm+; majick; creature; trap; bond; rope; vine; plant; tendrils; insert; captive; dungeon; chairtie; bdsm; whip; torment; tease; mythical; fantasy; climax; cons/reluct; X

  • 2

    MF+/fm+; M/f; majick; creature; trap; tickle; sirens; entice; bond; rope; captive; dungeon; chairtie; bdsm; whip; torment; tease; mythical; fantasy; insert; sex; cons/reluct; X

  • 1

    F/m; FF; M/f; bond; rope; bride; kidnap; captive; dungeon; bdsm; whip; creature; elves; mythical; fantasy; sex; cons/reluct; X

  • Chess 2: Double or QuitsIona Hoyle

    FM+/fm+; club; game; wager; captive; bond; gag; chairtie; clamps; straps; strip; naked; toys; enslave; cons/reluct; X

  • 1

    FM+/fm+; game; capture; bond; gag; machine; torment; bdsm; whip; flog; clamps; susp; toys; strapon; oral; sex; cons/reluct; XX

  • The Eighth House 4: The MarkIona Hoyle

    F/f; MF+/f; D/s; brothel; naked; slave; bond; rope; bdsm; whip; tease; torment; group; oral; anal; sex; climax; majick; hist; cons/reluct; XX

  • 3: Questions

    F/f; D/s; naked; slave; bond; hogtie; rope; captive; bdsm; crop; analhook; tease; torment; strapon; oral; sex; denial; climax; hist; cons/reluct; X

  • 2: Sold

    M+/mf+; F/f; naked; bond; slave; hood; captive; touch; torment; auction; sold; spank; hist; cons/reluct; X

  • 1

    Solo-F; F/f; M+/f; naked; bond; slave; hood; ceremony; majick; captive; hist; oral; climax; cons; X